David Eisenhower
Historian / Biographer / Teacher
David Eisenhower
Historian / Biographer / Teacher
A Program Director and Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania (with several absences) since being named a lecturer in the Political Science Department in 1981. In 1996, named a Fellow in the Political Science Department. In 1997, became a Fellow and in 2003, and founding Director of the Institute for Public Service at the Annenberg school.
A Program Director and Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania (with several absences) since being named a lecturer in the Political Science Department in 1981. In 1996, named a Fellow in the Political Science Department. In 1997, became a Fellow and in 2003, and founding Director of the Institute for Public Service at the Annenberg school.
As Director of the Institute for Public Service, runs the Annenberg Fellowship program; as IPS Director, in 2004, named chairman and director of Annenberg’s new academic concentration offered to Communications majors at the Annenberg School (COMPS—Communications and Public Service); has long taught Communications 395 (“Special Topics in Mass Communications: the Presidency”) for five straight presidential cycles, has taught Communications 428 (“Political Conventions, Debates and campaigns”) Runs the COMPS Honors thesis program and Washington internship programs.
Former Editor of ORBIS magazine, published by the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia 2001-2003. Currently serves as co-Director of FPRI's Teaching Institute. Former consultant to Gallup Organization, Lincoln, Nebraska and Princeton.
Lecturer in town halls in 45 states under the auspices of American Program Bureau since 1986. For ten years, a special lecturer for a month each spring aboard spring cruises through the Celtic Lands and Normandy organized by Gohagan Travel.
Moderator of PBS public affairs television program "The Whole Truth" which is now filming a sixth season for PBS stations, now reaching 71% of homes nationwide.
Author of numerous articles, reviews and prefaces. He is the author of a book on the Allied high command during the pursuit phase of WW II entitled Eisenhower at War: 1943-1945 (Random House, New York, 1986). Eisenhower at War was a New York Times best seller. Eisenhower at War was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in History. Eisenhower at War was named by Time magazine in its annual year-end survey as one of the five best nonfiction works published in 1986.
Mr. Eisenhower is the author of Going Home to Glory: A Memoir of Life with Dwight Eisenhower 1961- 1969 (Simon and Schuster, New York, 2010).
Mr. Eisenhower sits and or has sat on numerous non- profit boards and advisory commissions. Named Fellow of the American Society of Historians, New York City in 1991. Past Chairman of the Eisenhower Presidential Foundation and former member of Eisenhower memorial Commission (Presidential appointment).
Recipient of eight honorary degrees, the Golden Slipper Award for community service in Philadelphia, admitted to Golden Key Society membership, awarded the Panitt Award for Citizenship by the Annenberg School, University of Pennsylvania, 2002, and the Eisenhower Medal for distinguished service by the Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships, 2018.
In May 2003, Mr. Eisenhower received UPenn’s annual university-wide Provost’s Award for Excellence in University teaching.
Former US Naval Officer (1970-1973). Former syndicated sports columnist for the Philadelphia Bulletin and front office employee for the (past) Washington Senators. He is a graduate of Phillips Exeter Academy (1966), Amherst College, and George Washington University Law School (1976).
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The Importance of Civic Education