Christopher Emdin
Professor of Science Education & Author, and Minorities in Energy Ambassador for the Department of Energy
Christopher Emdin
Professor of Science Education & Author, and Minorities in Energy Ambassador for the Department of Energy
Christopher Emdin is the Robert A. Naslund Endowed Chair in Curriculum Theory and Professor of Education at the University of Southern California; where he also serves as Director of youth engagement and community partnerships at the USC Race and Equity Center.
He previously served as Director of the Science Education program at Teachers College, Columbia University and alumni fellow at the Hip-hop archive and Hutchins Center at Harvard University. He has served as STEAM Ambassador for the U.S. Department of State and Minorities in Energy Ambassador for the U.S. Department of Energy.
Dr. Emdin holds a Ph.D in Urban Education with a concentration in Mathematics, Science, and Technology; Masters degrees in both Natural Sciences and Education, and Bachelors degrees in Physical Anthropology, Biology, and Chemistry.
He is the creator of the #HipHopEd social media movement and Science Genius BATTLES. He was recently named one of the 27 people bridging divides in the United States by Time magazine.
He is the author of numerous award winning works including the award-winning book, Urban Science Education for the Hip-hop Generation and the New York Times bestseller, For White Folks Who Teach In the Hood and the Rest of Ya’ll too. His latest books Ratchetdemic: Reimagining Academic Excellence and STEM, STEAM Make Dream are currently available wherever books are sold.
Speaker Videos
Teach Teachers How to Create Magic
TEDx: Teaching & Being Rachetdemic
TEDxTeachersCollege: Reality Pedagogy
Hip-Hop and the Remix of Science Education
Convocation 2014
Speech Topics
The Crisis of Urban Education
In this presentation, Dr. Christopher Emdin lays out the current and ever-evolving sociopolitical and “in the trenches” landscape of urban education, outlines the reasons for our current national challenges, and offers research-based but often underexplored solutions. This speech explores the public/private battle in urban education, challenges of teacher training and recruitment, national policy, the newly developed common core learning standards, and new possibilities.
Teaching & Learning from the Student's Standpoint
In an age where terms like “multiculturalism” and “cultural relevance” have been littered across the educational landscape, teachers and administrators still have a challenging time implementing instructional approaches/tools that meet the needs of a diverse student population. Education speaker Christopher Emdin explores the current educational buzz words, bridges the divides between theory and practice, and provides tangible tools for educators on improving their practice.
Hip-Hop & Education
Keynote speaker Christopher Emdin explores the concept of hip-hop education and discusses what works and what doesn’t in this growing field. He outlines research-based ways that hip-hop culture can be used in education and discusses the pitfalls of hip-hop education that are rarely discussed by scholars, researchers, and a growing “hip-hop intellectual” audience. In this speech, Dr. Emdin critiques hip-hop while discussing its immense political and social potential.
Rethinking STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics)
Dr. Christopher Emdin explores participation and engagement in STEM fields and the ways that the education culture tracks students out of success in these disciplines. He uncovers reasons for youth disinterest in school and the STEM disciplines and how we can look for new educational approaches that foster participation and engagement in STEM without sacrificing rigor and content. This speech discusses what it takes to be a scientist; how educators, parents, and the general public can hone those skills in youth; and why we have no choice but to re-focus on creating a new STEM generation.