Chris Dancy
“The Most Connected Man on Earth”
Chris Dancy
“The Most Connected Man on Earth”
In 2002, Chris Dancy was overweight, unemployed, and addicted to technology. He chain-smoked cigarettes, popped pills, and was angry and depressed. But when he discovered that his mother kept a record of almost every detail of his childhood, an idea began to form. Could knowing the status of every aspect of his body and how his lifestyle affected his health help him learn to take care of himself? By harnessing the story of his life, could he learn to harness his own bad habits?
With a little tech know-how combined with a healthy dose of reality, every app, sensor, and data point in Dancy's life was turned upside down and examined. What Marie Kondo did for closets, Dancy did to his phone and life—and now he's sharing what he knows. That knowledge includes the fact that changing the color of his credit card helps him to use it less often, and that nostalgia is a trigger for gratitude for him.
A modern-day story of rebirth and redemption, Dancy shares wisdom and insight on how to improve and transform our lives by paying attention to the relationship between how we move, what we eat, who we spend time with, and how it all makes us feel.
Speaker Videos
The Most Connected Human in the World, Chris Dancy
How to use technology to optimise every part of your life | Chris Dancy
Re-Framing Productivity with Chris Dancy
Speech Topics
Coming Out Cyborg
From quantified self to the singularity, humanity is racing to disrupt evolution itself. How is life evolving in a world where everyone is cybernetic? Have you noticed how your children, co-workers, and strangers are all slightly enhanced lately? What are the new senses, skills, and abilities that people are possessing? An exploration of the history of cybernetics to the rise of emergent consciousness of artificial intelligence. A brutally honest look at life after humanity.
How to Build a Time Machine
Technology has twisted our relationship with time beyond recognition. What started as a 24-hour news cycle has morphed into a perpetual now, relentlessly grinding away at our civility. Humans are evolving our first new sense as cyborgs, chronoception. Just as real as sight, taste, touch, sound, and smell, this new visceral time sense is abruptly stunting our ability to communicate with each other. Explore the emerging tech landscape of chronobiology.
Life After Privacy
The internet is now covering people, homes, cars, and families. As developers, corporations, media outlets and governments race toward the most intimate parts of our lives, behavior, and biology, how can we start to live in a world after privacy has vanished. Time and attention create a new definition for privacy and our tolerance for inconvenience is the gold standard for which services are delivered.
I Love You; Don’t Block Me!
From online dating to Tinder, how we meet, hook up and fall in love has evolved into something unique and extraordinary. Today families, couples, and are learning to express their feelings of affection in new and sometimes disturbing ways. How do we meet, fall in love, and spend the rest of our lives together in the age of wearables, apps and temporary services? WARNING: NSFW CONTENT.
Life After the Internet
Take a look at how the interface for our personal experience has shifted from a command line through Windows to browsers, applications, and wearables. By using the movie The Matrix, we examine the future of technology. Beyond apps, digital services will catapult society into 2030, when personalization drives experience, and we download "habits" and "environments.”
Becoming a Mindful Cyborg
What if we designed applications that worry less about "where you are" and more about "how you are?" The internet has been engineered to steal our opinion and take us away from our present moment. Where does Buddhism meet technology and how can we reclaim our sense of safety in ephemeral society?
Apocalypse. Next
In the past ten years the economic cost and frequency of global crisis have steadily increased, from the Arab spring to the climate crisis closing the decade. Technology is playing an important role in day-to-day life and how we mitigate, prepare, respond and recover from the disaster. In this inspiring exploration of our planet and interdependence we review the tools and stories of courage in life after the apocalypse.
Technopaganism & the Witches of Instagram
Arthur C Clark stated that “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” In that way, we explore the deep pagan roots built into the everyday technology: from meme magic to technopaganism, the rituals and history of the occult and magic in today’s technologies. Have you ever thought about how speaking to AI looks like casting spells, or how we used wizards to install software for years? Have you ever wanted to learn to cast a spell with a password reset? Welcome to the eBook of digital shadows.