Chip Eichelberger
Peak Performance, Motivation & Sales Strategist
Chip Eichelberger
Peak Performance, Motivation & Sales Strategist
Formerly Tony Robbins’ international point man, Chip Eichelberger has "Switched On" over 1000 conventions for companies like Apple, Hyatt, Astra Zeneca, GM, Equitable and RE/MAX. A proven pro, he has been making meeting planners look like geniuses for over 27 years. He will be THE energy source for your event and bring a positive message that will resonate with your audience.
Eichelberger’s highly interactive sessions engage people at a deep level and get them involved in his presentation. He shows individuals how to get “Switched On” and be the best version of themselves. He understands audiences are NOT craving another speech. They are craving the energy and engagement that he brings to every presentation. Eichelberger’s contagious energy will change entire atmosphere of the room! His talks are customized to fit the theme of the meeting and the business situation of the client.
Eichelberger always does his homework, interviewing key employees, researching your company, industry, and marketplace so his material is relevant and reinforces your conference message. He is consistently told by the organizations that hire him that he was a true partner in making their event a success!
Eichelberger began his career after four successful years as a sales rep for Jantzen Sportswear. His career soon took an exciting turn when he went to work with the world-renowned Tony Robbins in San Diego where things really took off. He was Sales Leader of the Year each year on the road. He hired, trained, and led sales teams around the US and became Robbins’ international point man planting the Robbins flag in Australia and the UK.
Said Robbins, “Chip is a friend, an excellent communicator, and a man committed to constant and never-ending improvement. His experience, energy and engagement will make a difference for any company."
Leveraging that success and unique speaking experience, Eichelberger decided to launch his own brand. He has spoken in every state in the US and Australia, every province of Canada and eight countries. He has prepared and delivered over 1,000+ high-energy presentations for organizations like State Farm, Hyatt, DOW, Harley Davidson, PricewaterhouseCoopers, RE/MAX, Smoothie King, Honey Baked Ham, Mass Mutual, Wells Fargo, Campbell’s Soup, Blue Cross/Blue Shield and over 100 associations.
Perfect to either open and/or close your event, Eichelberger often does both and “bookends” your program with his customized keynote and famous Board Break Experience. He is one of only 7% of the members of the National Speakers Association to earn the prestigious Certified Speaking Professional designation. Eichelberger has created numerous audio, video and printed products; his newest book is The Smart Guide To Accomplishing Your Goals.
Speaker Videos
Chip Eichelberger, CSP Demo Video Experience 2024
Official Demo
Virtual Demo
Breaking Barriers: Board Break Experience
Speech Topics
Get Switched On!: Reevaluate & Recharge
The ability to ‘Get Switched On’ and be at your best consistently is essential to compete and excel in today's marketplace. This high-energy, interactive session challenges everyone to acknowledge the difference between good and GREAT. This is an interactive experience, not a speech!
They will reevaluate their long team vision, game plan, mindset and what is really important. Chip challenges people to take a hard look at their attitude and current results. This program will get you plugged back in and switched on! How can you be a catalyst and bring your “A Game” consistently to perform at your best. When it is “show time” you need to be “show ready.”
Getting switched on is about energy and impact. The goal for the session is to have each person pursue their work and life with renewed tenacity and contagious energy. This is NOT a speech. This is an interactive, high-energy, challenging experience that will get you involved and engaged.
Own It: Take Charge of Your Performance
Chip shows how taking ownership of your results, beliefs and attitude will ignite tremendous performance improvements. “Own It!” taps the hidden potential inside each member of your team. It helps people confront the brutal facts about their current situation and take action on the implications immediately.
This program inspires accountability, personal responsibility, growth mindset, and a long-term view of success. Many companies have chosen OWN IT as the theme for their event.
Even if you've settled for less in the past, or your company hasn't gotten the results it wants, you've got what it takes to make it happen. Small individual decisions can lead to a greater sense of ownership and big results; bigger changes can lead to innovation and revolutionary change. Let Chip show you and your team how to Own It!
Breaking Barriers: The Board Break Experience
Chip is famous for this one-of-a-kind experience. How will you close your next event in a memorable way and send the audience out the door charging? The board break is an intense, emotional and climatic physical metaphor dedicated to breaking through barriers and pushing your team spirit to new and lasting heights.
This is the BEST activity to get a large group involved in a compelling physical activity that they will always remember. When people and the team breakthrough their barriers and limiting beliefs, the impossible becomes possible! Watch the video to see for yourself! Often added to other keynotes to create an extraordinary half-day presentation.