Chip Bell
Authority on Customer Loyalty & Service Innovation
Chip Bell
Authority on Customer Loyalty & Service Innovation
Chip Bell has helped many Fortune 100 companies dramatically enhance their bottom lines and marketplace reputation through innovative customer-centric strategies that address the needs of today’s picky, fickle, vocal and “all about me” customers. Bell reveals the best practices from the organizations leading the customer loyalty charge, giving audiences powerful cutting-edge ideas and unique strategies they can put into practice the minute they leave his keynote. Always customer-centered, Bell customizes all his presentations to meet unique organizational needs through a background study, pre-event conference call and phone interviews to better understand specific audience needs and challenges.
He is considered a world-renowned authority on customer loyalty and service innovation, writing over 750 articles for many business journals, magazines and blogs. He has appeared live on CNN, CNBC, CBS, Fox Business, Bloomberg TV, ABC, NPR Radio and his work has been featured in Fortune, Businessweek, Forbes, Fast Company, Inc. magazine, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, CEO magazine and Entrepreneur. He has authored ten national best-selling books including: The 9½ Principles of Innovative Service, Wired and Dangerous: How Your Customers Have Changed and What to Do About It; Managing Knock Your Socks off Service; Customers As Partners; Magnetic Service; Take Their Breath Away: How Imaginative Service Creates Devoted Customers, and Sprinkles: Creating Awesome Experiences Through Innovative Service.
His newest book is the best-selling Inside Your Customer’s Imagination released in late 2020. His books have won numerous major book awards and been endorsed by the CEOs and presidents of such service greats as Zappos, Starbucks, Ritz-Carlton Hotels, Wolfgang Puck, Build-A-Bear Workshops, JetBlue, IHG, True Value, Ultimate Software, Marriott, Chick-fil-A, Wendy’s, Kimpton Hotels and Southwest Airlines. Global Gurus in 2020 ranked him for the sixth year in a row in the top three keynote speakers in the world on customer service.
Speaker Videos
Innovative Service Virtual Keynote
Innovative Service: Strategies for Increasing Growth and Profits
Leading A Customer-Centric Operation
Customer as Partners
Seriously Sparkly Service
Speech Topics
Innovative Service: Strategies for Creating Growth & Bottom Line Impact
What do Google, Netflix, Apple, Uber and Amazon have in common other than rapid growth and amazing profits? They all are considered among the most innovative companies, perpetually seek ingenious ways to delight their customers. Remarkable service for today’s picky, fickle and vocal customers requires a constant and deliberate pursuit of innovative ways to make the customers’ experiences sparkly, but consistent; enriching, but profitable. Since value-added has gotten way too expensive; smart organizations focus on value-unique — novel, not just more. Based on his national best-selling books The 9½ Principles of Innovative Service and Sprinkles: Creating Awesome Experiences Through Innovative Service this lively, provocative session draws on Dr. Chip Bell’s 25+ years working with many of the world’s leading brands to help them stay ahead of their competition by maintaining best-in-class customer experience strategies.
Customers as Partners: Building Profitable Professional Relationships That Last
Distinctive service in the professional or B2B world can be vastly different than the approach used by a merchant to win a consumer. For the business-to-business world and/or the space of sophisticated products or specialized expertise, the path to success has become a long-term, profitable relationship, not just a glitzy experience. When those you serve feel like valued partners in a power-free relationship, their expectations are more realistic, they are more forgiving of mistakes, more ardent advocates, and their economic investment in the firm or organization deepens. This keynote is particularly relevant for B2B organizations concerned with disintermediation, disruption and the erosion of the distribution channel in favor of direct relationships with consumers. Even in the B2B world with its extreme price-sensitivity and the watchful eye of purchasing czars, the quality of the relationship has become a key component in how value is defined. Based on his international best-selling books Customers as Partners and Bell’s newest book Inside Your Customer’s Imagination scheduled to be released in 2020. Dr. Chip Bell’s insightful, fresh program provides audiences with provocative, yet practical tools, tips and techniques for building profitable relationships that last. This program can be a keynote, half or full day workshop.
Leading a Customer-Centric Operation
If ten years ago you had invested $100 in a fund made up of the most customer-centric companies in the U.S. (according to the American Customer Satisfaction Index), your investment today would be worth over $650. A similar investment in the S&P 500 would net you only about $50 over ten years. Operations that put customers in the center of planning and execution attract the best employees and retain the best customers. They are repeatedly listed on Fortune Magazine's “100 Best Companies to Work For.” Chip Bell has worked with many of the most customer-centric operations--Ritz-Carlton Hotels, USAA, AMEX, Marriott, True Value, Harley-Davidson--and shares the secrets of what makes them so successful. This provocative and powerful keynote can be tailored for first-line supervisors to senior executives. It provides the insights and tools for creating experiences that turn satisfied customers into loyal advocates.
Seriously Sparkly Service: Making Innovative Service Profoundly Remarkable
Recall the absolutely best customer service experience of your entire life. What were the features of this profoundly remarkable memory? Today’s customers do not talk (remark) or tweet about good service; only experiences they find unique, special, and ingenious. Research shows value-added (taking what customers expect and adding more) will not provide a solid ROI. But, value-unique (delivering an unexpected, compelling surprise) creates animated advocates and fuels bottom line impact. Based on Bell’s newest award-winning, bestselling book, Kaleidoscope: Delivering Innovative Service That Sparkles, this high-energy session provides the tools, tips and techniques for leading and delivering innovative service that sparkles.