Chance Lewis
School Turnaround Expert & Carol Grotnes Belk Distinguished Professor of Urban Education
Chance Lewis
School Turnaround Expert & Carol Grotnes Belk Distinguished Professor of Urban Education
Dr. Chance W. Lewis is the Carol Grotnes Belk Distinguished Professor of Urban Education and former Provost Faculty Fellow for Diversity, Inclusion and Access at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Additionally, Dr. Lewis is the Executive Director of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte ’s Urban Education Collaborative which is publishing a new generation of research on improving urban schools.
Dr. Lewis received his B.S. and M.Ed. in Business Education and Education Administration/Supervision from Southern University i n Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Dr. Lewis completed his doctoral studies in Educational Leadership/Teacher Education from Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Dr. Lewis currently teaches graduate courses in the field of Urban Education at the UNC Charlotte. His experiences span the range of K 12 and higher education. From 2006 2011, Dr. Lewis served as the Houston Endowed Chair and Associate Professor of Urban Education at Texas A&M University. In 2001 2006, he served as an assistant professor of teacher education at Colorado State University. During the 1994 1998, Dr. Lewis served as a Business Education teacher in East Baton Rouge Parish Schools (Baton Rouge, LA), where he earned Teacher of the Year honors in 1997.
Dr. Lewis has over 100 publications including 70+ refereed journal articles in the leading academic journals in the field of urban education. He has received over $7 million in external research funds. To date, Dr. Lewis has authored/co authored/co edited 30 books.
Dr. Lewis was raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and attended low-performing urban public schools that lacked many of the resources available to other public schools within the same school district. Despite these challenges, he had educators that truly believed in his potential and nurtured him through the power of education and mentorship to become one of the most prolific scholars and voices in the field of education. Dr. Lewis is an example of the power of schooling in urban settings and an example of the current reality many students face on a daily basis in their schools. Dr. Lewis has provided consultative services focused on school turnaround to over 100 school districts, universities, educational entities and other organizations across the United States and Canada.
Speaker Videos
Creating Opportunities
Urban Education
Speech Topics
No More Excuses: Culturally Relevant Teaching Strategies That Improve Academic Achievement
Getting students engaged takes more than simply lecturing out of a textbook. It’s proven that students are more engaged and retain information better when you can connect the lessons to concepts they use in their daily lives.
In this presentation, Dr. Lewis will show your audience:
- How to find and understand current trends and fads that your students are paying attention to (this alone will help your teachers connect more deeply with their students!)
- How to incorporate these concepts into the lesson plans in a way that not only engages their students, but satisfies curriculum and teaching requirements
- How to create their lessons in a way that feels authentic... NOT like they’re trying to “bribe” their students’ engagement with fun concepts
No More Excuses: Strategies for High Achievement for Boys of Color
“I don’t know what’s going on with these boys. We can’t reach them and they’re just becoming problem students.” Sound familiar? Many schools struggle to connect with boys of color and engage them in learning – and boys of color are almost always the population that leads low performance.
In this presentation, Dr. Lewis will show your audience:
- How to truly understand the motivations of the boys in their classrooms – and understand what makes them act in a certain way in specific situations...
- How to appropriately teach the boys in their classroom while also ensuring they don’t ignore the girls...
- How to use boys’ natural personalities and predispositions as a teaching aid, rather than attempting to overcome them with stricter rules and punishments
No More Excuses: Strategies for Increasing Parent Involvement Now
It’s no secret that the more parents are involved, the more successful a school is. Whether it’s PTA meetings, parent classroom helpers, or opening the lines of communication between parent and teacher... parent involvement is directly related to the success of your school. But it’s not always that easy to get parents involved and connected. Until now.
In this presentation, Dr. Lewis will share:
- The true effect that parental involvement has on each students’ ability to achieve success...
- How to prepare for parental involvement – so when it does happen (with the strategies Dr. Lewis will share!)... your teachers are ready to capitalize on it the right way...
- Strategies to implement right away that will increase parental involvement (in one school, Dr. Lewis’ strategy increased parental involvement by over 60% after just ONE event!)
No More Excuses School Transformation Program
This is your opportunity to have an in-depth, customized, school-specific program that will address your exact needs. You and Dr. Lewis will work together to create the very program you need to solve the problems you have... and work to getting your school turned around and back to performing at its best.
Whether you’re looking to solve problems with cultural relevance in the classroom, parental involvement, student leadership, or anything in between... when you work with Dr. Lewis, he’ll work with you one-on-one to develop the solutions you need.
School Turnaround: Strategies for Creating a High-Performing School
Low-performing schools have been a persistent problem in every state in the United States with an average of 500 schools in every state receiving school performance letter grades of D or F. This issue has spanned decades and is a current reality. This presentation provides tangible solutions that can be immediately implemented to better serve our nation's students.
Education & Corporate Opportunity in Urban Centers: The Intersection Between Education Opportunities, Financial Education & Corporate America's Community Impact
This presentation provides strategies for Corporate America to have a significant impact in the communities they reside through powerful partnerships with education entities. Additionally, these strategies provide immediate win-win situations for all stakeholders when clear direction is provided on where the opportunities exist for community impact. This presentation provides step-by-step strategies and opportunities for immediate implementation in communities where corporate entities reside.