Carl Hobert
Author & Expert in International Education, Conflict Resolution & Global Literacy
Carl Hobert
Author & Expert in International Education, Conflict Resolution & Global Literacy
Carl is the author of Raising Global IQ: Preparing Our Students for a Shrinking Planet, and a globally recognized expert on international conflict analysis, management, and resolution. After serving as the Director of Boston University's Global Literacy Institute, he co-founded and is now Chief Education Officer of Boston-based Secure Communities Group (SCG), which assists corporations, health care facilities, religious institutions and K16 schools and universities around the world with crucial security threat assessments and recommendations, including cybersecurity attack preparation and prevention.
Fluent in English, Spanish and French, and a working knowledge of Mandarin and Arabic, Hobert teaches his audiences how to build more secure Communities of Trust where prevention of violence, rather than the reaction to it, becomes the norm. Carl provides audiences with convincing examples of his successes in conflict resolution work with youth, adolescents, and adults on 4 continents, and his near-death experience in Africa in 2018.
With an exceptional stage presence, this passionate life-long author and educator offers understandable, ready-to-institute, step-by-step solutions to today's growing threats that leave listeners uplifted and prepared to confront challenging issues in their professional and personal lives at once.
Carl has a BA in French and Political Science cum laude, and an MA in Spanish, both from Middlebury College, and an MA in International Security Studies from the Tufts University Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.
Speaker Videos
International Students & Global IQ
Alumni Achievement Talk 2023 - Carl Hobert ‘83
Speech Topics
Creating Safer, More Secure K12 School 'Communities of Trust'
Threats to the safety of K12 school communities are on the rise, around the US and abroad. From bullying and cyberbullying, to unknown student and adult mental health issues and targeted violence, K12 teachers, administrators, staff members, parents and students face a host of risks inside and outside of school today. Carl teaches K12 communities how to perform crucial threat assessments, develop rapid reporting techniques, complete emergency planning, and develop immediate action plans in order to improve school climates, creating what he calls safer, more secure K12 school 'Communities of Trust'.
How to Prevent Gun Violence in US K12 Schools
The latest mass shootings in Uvalde, TX, Buffalo, NY and Highland Park, IL, have revived concerns about domestic terrorism in the US. Unfortunately, many "solutions" in dealing with active shooter threats are reactive - hardened targets, lockdown protocols, police officers on site, armed teachers and staff. But the key to reducing mass shootings is to promote prevention over interruption. Carl offers valuable, easy-to-implement ways for K12 school communities to focus their efforts on preventing, rather than simply reacting to mass shootings.
How to Deal with the Rising Domestic Terror Threat in US K12 Schools
K12 school communities face an evolving and unique set of threats, hazards, and security challenges, ranging from active shooters to bombing threats to cyberattacks. And these school violence issues remain a persistent problem across the US, with tragedies spanning decades, states, and communities, and impacting the health and well-being of our nation’s K12 school communities. Carl provides proven ways in which school communities can enhance school safety and security, including time-tested violence assessment techniques, regular community action drills, and cybersecurity protocol exercises.
Why We Need Better K12 Cybersecurity Education Programs
Each day, DarkSide, REvil, and other cybercriminal hacking groups threaten schools, corporations and government agencies around the world with ransomware attacks. K12 schools worldwide must invest in improved cybersecurity education programs in order to tap a precious national resource - Gen Z child prodigies in the field of cybersecurity - now and for decades to come.