Carl Bildt
Former Prime Minister of Sweden
Carl Bildt
Former Prime Minister of Sweden
The former Swedish Prime Minister, and until 1997, the High Representative for the peace negotiations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Carl Bildt is now UN Special Envoy for the Balkans and Chairman of Sweden’s opposition party, the Moderate Party.
With the issue of a "Greater Europe" being a topic of intense debate, thanks to the proposed expansion of the EU and of NATO in Europe, Bildt’s vast experiences in East and West enable him to comment authoritatively on the Europe of the future. With his unchallenged leadership and negotiation skills in highly adverse situations, he offers a privileged insight to those who want to place their business advantageously for the future.
In 1991 Bildt was elected Prime Minister and formed a government in coalition with three other non-socialist parties. He held the position until 1994 and became the Leader of the Opposition, a position he still holds today. In June 1995, he became the European Union’s Special Representative for former Yugoslavia and Co-chairman of the International Conference on the former Yugoslavia. At the Peace Implementation Conference, he was appointed High Representative by the international community, with responsibility for the implementation of the civilian parts of the Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Elected a Member of Parliament in 1979, he has since been a member of the Executive Committee of the Moderate Party. He was also a Member of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, and has been a member of the Royal Advisory Council on Foreign Affairs since 1982. In 1986 he became the Chairman of the Moderate Party.
Bildt is a very informative and charismatic keynote speaker. With keen observations that reflect his dedication to the process of political and economic integration in Europe, he shows the qualities necessary for any business to prosper in the "Greater Europe.”