Brian McNaught
GLBT Expert
Brian McNaught
GLBT Expert
Named "the godfather of gay sensitivity training" by The New York Times, Brian McNaught is considered the world's leading corporate diversity consultant dealing with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender issues in the workplace. He has worked with corporate executives throughout the United States and Asia and in the United Kingdom. He is also the best-selling author of six watershed books, the producer of six educational DVDs on gay issues, and is the host of a public television program entitled Stonewall Portraits: Profiles in Pride.
Since 1974, McNaught has drawn on his personal experiences and skills as a sexuality educator to help audiences understand what it's like to grow up gay and to deal with the common, daily challenges faced by gay and transgender people at work, at home, in their churches, and in their neighborhoods around the globe. He has addressed executive audiences at The National Security Agency (NSA), Goldman Sachs, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse, Toronto Dominion Bank, Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, UBS, Chrysler, Ford, Morgan Stanley, Merck, DuPont, Hewlett-Packard, Motorola, S.C. Johnson & Sons, Chubb, SONY, St. Paul Cos., AT&T, Lehman Brothers, Lucent, Avaya, Agilent Tech., NCR, Brookhaven National Labs, Battelle, and over 200 colleges and universities, including Harvard, Vanderbilt, Indiana University, Holy Cross, Penn State, MIT, and UCLA.
McNaught produced the web resource, “A Managers’ Guide to Gay and Transgender Workplace Issues,” and is featured in six critically-acclaimed educational diversity videos and DVDs: Understanding and Managing Gay and Transgender Issues in the Workplace; On Being Gay; Gay Issues in the Workplace; Growing Up Gay and Lesbian; Homophobia in the Workplace; and Gay/Straight: Can We Talk? He is the author of A Disturbed Peace – Selected Writings of an Irish Catholic Homosexual; On Being Gay – Thoughts on Family, Faith and Love; Gay Issues in the Workplace; Now That I'm Out, What Do I Do?; Sex Camp; and Are You Guys Brothers?.
During the early 1980s, McNaught served as the Mayor of Boston's Liaison to the Gay and Lesbian Community. As such, he conducted a citywide study of constituent needs, initiated and coordinated the city's response to the AIDS epidemic, and trained police, health, and other service providers. McNaught also served as an advisor to former Surgeon General David Satcher at Morehouse School of Medicine on his national sexual health initiative.
McNaught earned his BA in Journalism from Marquette University. He is certified by the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) as a sexuality educator.
Speaker Videos
How to Talk About LGBT Inclusion
Spectrums of Homophobia in the Workplace
The Importance of Being an LGBT Ally in the Workplace
The Importance of LGBT Representation in the Workplace