Brandon Novak
Best Selling Author & Addiction Recovery Speaker
Brandon Novak
Best Selling Author & Addiction Recovery Speaker
In a nutshell, Brandon was a professional skateboarder discovered by Tony Hawk, rose to fame on the hit MTV show Viva la Bam, and the movies Jackass, got hooked on heroin for 20 years, wrote the addiction memoir, Dreamseller, and it became a best seller on Amazon.
Brandon gives back by helping people into treatment celebrating 7 years clean today. He relates to millions of people across the country; 1 in 4 to be exact who are directly affected by addiction in their family.
He travels the country as the keynote speaker for the DEA’s Youth Summit events, bringing awareness and education to high schools across the nation. Brandon truly embodies someone who can change their life around.
His first book, Dreamseller, is in its 9th print edition, and is one of Amazon’s top 50 addiction memoirs. His latest book, The Streets of Baltimore where Brandon was born, is out now. Brandon is based in Philadelphia.
Speech Topics
A Man in Recovery’s Point of View: Seeking the Opportunity, Not the Obligation
Novak draws the audience in to a discussion as he details his journey with substance abuse, his revelation and finally achieving sobriety after 13 inpatient treatment attempts. His is a story of perseverance. Now, with 7 years of sobriety, Brandon is a Certified Intervention Professional and he shares tools and tips of how he has helped hundreds of families with interventions and working the 12 Step Program.
Brandon’s speaking session can be tailored to a corporate audience and is a great motivational tool. Brandon gives inspiration to people to continue living their best lives, coming from a place of gratitude and acceptance. Oftentimes, we judge people so quickly in our personal lives and in the business world. Brandon takes the audience through a journey of seeing themselves and their peers as people from all walks of life and to use their struggles as fuel to be even greater than they could ever imagine. It’s about living life to your fullest t’s about living life to your fullest potential. Your darkest times whether they are health issues, personal or financial, your story can serve as someone else’s survival guide. Your darkest times whether they are health issues, personal or financial, your story can serve as someone else’s survival guide.