Ben Hammersley
Host of Cybercrimes with Ben Hammersley, Author & Futurist
Ben Hammersley
Host of Cybercrimes with Ben Hammersley, Author & Futurist
Ben Hammersley is one of the most thought-provoking futurists of our time and has been addressing audience around the globe for over 10 years. He brings a practical, proactive approach to future technologies inspiring audiences to be PRESENT now to be PREPARED for the future.
As an international reporter, author and adventure seeker, Ben explores the effects of the internet and the digital network on the world’s business, political and social atmospheres. His latest book, which was published internationally, 64 Things You Need to Know Now For Then gives us the essential guide to the things we need to know for life in the 21st century. Ben is the writer, host, and narrator of Netflix and BBC television series Cybercrimes with Ben Hammersley that was shot in over six countries across the globe. As the first specialist correspondent on the internet for the Times [of London] and the Guardian, he became the inventor of the popular term, ‘podcast’.
With his current position as the Editor-at-Large of UK’s WIRED magazine, Ben has been called upon to advise three governments and countless organizations in the area of technology and media including a seat on the European Commission High-Level Group on Media Freedom of the European Union. His personal experiences from the fields of aviation, emergency medicine, genomic science, disaster response, and war reporting, has enabled Ben Hammersley to deliver insightful, practice-changing messages to corporate and governmental clients on five continents for over two decades.
As a sought after global speaker, Ben has given talks at events for Deutsche Telekom, Legal & General, Ernst & Young, Thyssen Krupp, Accenture, King, Imago Techmedia, Ericsson, DuPont, Adobe, BT, Hiscox, Mobile World Congress, Sanford Bernstein, Zeiss, AXA, Deloitte, Airbus, Pfizer, Langfang CITIC, Vodafone, AssetMark, KPMG, BlackRock, Kiewit, MTV, Rakuten, Virgin, European Commission, UK Prime Minister’s Office, United States DoD, Microsoft, Google and many more.
Speaker Videos
How to Keep Your Job in a Digital World
Moore's Law and the Future of Digital Technology
How to Face the Digital Future Without Fear
Shifting Analogies is the Definition of Innovation
Speech Topics
Futurism: Understanding the Digital Future
Ben Hammersley speaks on the effects of the digital and networked world on business, society and your life. Through compelling stories, deep analysis and bleeding-edge examples of the modern world, Hammersley will help you, your business, government or institution transition into the future with detailed, bespoke plans completely shaped to your organization. He speaks not only on high-level topics, like the exponential growth in computing power or artificial intelligence, but also on technology’s impact on cultural phenomena. For instance, why is Beyonce is more influential than some governments, and how does that make sense? Why did President Obama choose to give interviews to popular YouTube hosts instead of FOX or the New York Times? Why has the government of Estonia chosen to conduct parliament sessions almost entirely on iPads? How did one man in China make most of London late for work? He will reveal the extreme interconnectedness between seemingly disparate entities, and how technology is at work in everything we do, whether we realize it or not. You’ll discover how technology will give us super powers, and how we can use them to our best advantages, and how to move forward to your best advantage.
If you or your company is afraid of what’s next and feel that there are forces at work that drain your market share, Hammersley can help. From working with companies and institutions worldwide, he’s found that there is an inherent disconnect between the leaders of these organizations and the world that we live in today. Society has progressed at such an accelerated pace, that some business owners feel like they’re being “eaten alive” by things happening within their own company, and a result, hemorrhage funds. That’s where Hammersley comes in; using his unique expertise, to transform your organization—and propel it into the 21st century with all the tools you need to prosper.