Andreas Ekström
Journalist & Author
Andreas Ekström
Journalist & Author
Swedish journalist, author and digital futurist Andreas Ekström wrote a bestselling book about Google – and has since been a leading commentator on all things digital around the world. Currently, his most requested keynote is “Organic Intelligence” – a set of ideas, questions and hands-on tools to understand and fulfill human potential in the AI revolution. And – to protect the human intelligence, as it is under pressure and change. “The future”, Andreas says, “is not about the AI you buy. It’s about the OI you hire.”
The term “organic intelligence” that Andreas has coined, equals the sum of the human experience. What people know. What people can provide. What values might mean. What happens in collaboration.
Andreas will stress the need for research, development and learning throughout the AI revolution – but refuses to give you bullet points or simplified action plans that very well might be useless in six months. Right now, the world is instead in a learning phase, and Andreas is phenomenal in making sure that process starts within all groups that he works with.
Andreas Ekström is a senior staff writer and columnist at Sydsvenskan, a daily morning paper in Malmö, Sweden.
His passion? He calls it "educating for digital equality”.
"I want to see a world in which we share the wealth – not only financially, but also in terms of knowledge and influence,” he says.
As a reporter with many years of experience covering the field, Ekström holds amazing insights in how the world of media, business and politics is affected by the main digital power players of the world. He is a highly sought after and seasoned speaker that has received excellent reviews across Europe and the rest of the world on his thought-provoking lectures.
His TED talks are approaching two million viewers and he has won the speaker of the year award in his native Sweden.
Speaker Videos
Seven Ways to Own the World • A global keynote hit
Andreas Ekström's "The Power of &" – short promo
TEDTalk: The Moral Bias Behind Your Search Results
Andreas Ekström says hello
Speech Topics
The Big Five
Andreas Ekström takes us on a journey that gives a whole new perspective on things we thought we knew, but perhaps never thought enough about.
Andreas will be starting a conversation on political and technical trust: As most everyone in the world is migrating all digital life towards a few power players – Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon, often referred to as “the big five” – no business can truly move forward without looking at those corporations as such, but also the behavior around their products. And as always, Andreas talks about what digitalization does for money, power, trust, relationships and a lot more.
Delivering all the right answers? Absolutely not, he says. “But as a reporter by trade, I am good at asking the right questions, together with any group of forward-thinking individuals with different ideas, experiences and resources.”
Power & Responsibility: A People's Take on the Digital Revolution
Superman said it best: With great power comes great responsibility.
What happens when a self driving car is facing a moral decision? Like who to crash into when in an accident? And where do we draw the line between ”good” services and ”bad” surveillance? Andreas Ekström maps out the main battle fields of the future: Legally. Socially. Politically. Financially. He is equipped with examples and observations that will get any audience to reflect on their everyday digital operations in a new way.
The Future of Media: Europe & The World
Andreas Ekström has been a commentator on all things media for most of his professional life. For over ten years, he was a columnist in the prestigious Journalisten Magazine. His open and non-dogmatic way of discussing everything from freedom of speech to copyright and the future of media business models has made him a natural part of any analytical discussion within the media industries and politics. Like few others, he can overview the history, the present and the future of his field.