Weekly Coverage of the 2024 Election Has Begun on APB Speaker Astead Herndon’s Popular Podcast
06 Nov 2023

Coverage of the 2024 Election has returned to The New York Times podcast The Run-Up, which is hosted by APB Speaker, Times National Political Reporter and CNN Political Analyst Astead Herndon. The first episode, which dropped on Nov. 2, focuses on voters in the northernmost part of Washington, who have picked the presidential winner in every race since 1980.
According to The Times, “The show is also going places you wouldn’t typically see on a political calendar, like a country music concert in Iowa and a remote corner of a reliably blue state.” A new episode will be produced every week until Election Day.
The podcast debuted ahead of the 2022 midterm elections and was named “One of the best podcasts of 2022" by The Economist.
Previously, Herndon was an integral part of the Times political coverage in the 2018 midterm elections and the 2020 presidential elections. In 2020, Herndon was named to the Forbes Magazine's 30 Under 30 media list. His reporting—on white grievance and former President Donald Trump—was included in the Times package that was a finalist for the 2021 Pulitzer Prizes.