Avoiding Burnout in the New Year: Dr. Eva Selhub Explains How in New Book, "Burnout for Dummies"
04 Jan 2023

Chronic, unmanaged stress—at work, at home, or in other areas of life—can lead to burnout. Dr. Eva Selhub, former medical director for the Benson Henry Institute of Mind Body Medicine at Mass. General, is here to help. In her acclaimed new book, Burnout For Dummies, she shows you how to understand and overcome this all-to-common condition of modern life.
Many of us find ourselves living in a state of constant resignation, which saps the joy out of life and can be detrimental to our physical health. The tips and exercises in this book will help you to destress, build inner resources and coping skills, and start enjoying life (and work) again:
- Listen to guided meditations that you can do anytime, anywhere to help cultivate mindfulness and manage your stress.
- Discover tips for reconnecting to the joy that you felt before burnout took over.
- Overcome the heavy burden of burnout and learn how you can find a pace for your life that feeds, rather than depletes you.
- Find true fulfillment in your work and obligations with proven techniques for loving yourself and your life.
A believer that resilience doesn't arise from change in a single factor, Dr. Selhub incorporates science, spirituality and fitness into her coaching practice. A sought-after speaker, she combines humor and compassion with her gift to translate complex information into practical and usable knowledge accessible to all.