Limbitless Solutions & Dr. Albert Manero Receive $84,000 Grant From Walt Disney World
05 Dec 2023

Limbitless Solutions, a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering individuals through personalized, creative and expressive bionics at the University of Central Florida (UCF), has just received a $84,000 program-elevating grant from Walt Disney World. The center is led by Executive Director and APB Speaker Dr. Albert Manero. “We are so grateful to be awarded this Disney Grant and the opportunity to grow our program and impact,” says Dr. Manero. “This will enable our program to provide more opportunities that can unleash the potential of our students and create magical moments for our bionic kids and families.”
According to UCF, Limbitless Solutions was recognized for its work to address the need for affordable, multi-gesture bionic prosthetics for children born without an arm. Through its student scholar program, Limbitless has supported more than 325 students since 2014 through innovative technology and developing a more experienced and professional workforce. In 2021, Limbitless Solutions also opened a new research lab in UCF’s Research Park dedicated to expanding its bionics research and undergraduate research.
Limbitless will use the grant to grow its student scholars program by 30%--adding 16 students to its program.
Harnessing the power of cross-team collaboration and using the power of STEM to change children’s lives, Dr. Manero is a visionary social entrepreneur, educator, humanitarian, engineer and superhero to hundreds of “bionic kids” who have benefited from his mission to make 3-D printed bionic prosthetic limbs accessible to all. Teaming engineers with artists, marketers with game designers and more, Limbitless Solutions has become a case study in innovative and interdisciplinary design. Using empathy as a guide, Dr. Manero brings a heart-touching story of the difference that one person with vision can make in the world while championing the art—and highly human impact—of science, technology, engineering and math.