APB Speaker Samantha Harris Celebrates Healthy Living, 9 Years Cancer Free
11 Apr 2023

In a new interview in People magazine, APB Speaker Samantha Harris says she’s “healthier than ever after surviving breast cancer.” Harris, best known as the co-host of Dancing with the Stars and Entertainment Tonight and current host of Game Show Network's wordplay game show Tug Of Words, first felt a lump in her breast in 2013. Two doctors told her it was nothing to worry about. Despite their answers, she felt something was seriously wrong. In 2014, she visited a surgical oncologist, where she was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer.
"Not being afraid to get a second or third opinion is what saved my life," Harris told People.
Two months later, she underwent a double mastectomy, followed later by reconstructive surgery. This year, Harris celebrates nine years cancer free.
Harris’ breast cancer diagnosis and double mastectomy at age 40 inspired a quest for answers about how we can all improve our overall health, prevent chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease and neurodegenerative disorders, and understand their underlying causes.
The outcome is Your Healthiest Healthy: 8 Easy Ways to Take Control, Help Prevent and Fight Cancer and Live a Longer, Cleaner, Happier Life, a bestselling book that became a brand for popular webinars and retreats. Your Healthiest Healthy translates comprehensive, research-backed knowledge into an easy-to-follow road map for maximizing health, energy and happiness for life—helping people take small steps that will result in big changes.
One of Harris’ newest initiatives, YOUR HEALTHIEST HEALTHY: COMMUNITY, is a subscription-based membership filled with interactive content on a weekly basis to empower women to elevate their wellness to become their most vibrant, healthy selves. It includes live workouts with Harris, as well as live coaching on a variety of health topics and live weekly esteemed guest experts. Harris’ mission with the community is to guide people to take even better control of their well-being while reducing the toxins in, on and around their bodies that often lead to detrimental health outcomes.
Harris is also a certified health coach and trainer, healthy living advocate and unstoppable optimist. Along with her husband, Michael, Samantha founded the online community Gotta Make Lemonade (gottamakelemonade.com) to inspire positivity in the face of adversity.
"My motivation in my 20s and early 30s was to look good on camera," the Emmy-winning TV host told People. "Whereas now, post-cancer, my goal is to be fit, healthy and strong."