Now Available in Paperback - "Thrivers: The Surprising Reason Why Some Kids Struggle & Others Shine"
21 Feb 2022

As a teacher, educational consultant and parent for 40 years, Dr. Michele Borba has never been more worried for young people than she is about this current generation of kids. Data shows that today’s youth are the loneliest, most stressed and risk-averse on record. Though well-educated, they are failing to launch in real life. So how can we teach them to be mentally strong and more successful?
Through her book and speech topic of the same name, Thrivers: The Surprising Reason Why Some Kids Struggle and Others Shine, Dr. Borba empowers educators and parents to help kids thrive in today’s fast-paced, digital-driven, often uncertain world. Through her research, she found the difference between those who struggle and those who succeed comes down to the personal traits that set "Thrivers" apart and set them up for happiness, as well as greater potential later in life. Offering practical, actionable ways to develop these "Thrivers" traits for kids, Dr. Borba has received worldwide acclaim from mental health and education leaders alike for her techniques on how to teach children to cope today so they can flourish tomorrow.