Juju Chang Wows at NASPA Multicultural Institute (NMI) - Bring Her to Your Next Event!
07 Feb 2022

One of the most prominent Asian Americans in broadcast news, Juju Chang recently wowed as the headliner at the NASPA Multicultural Institute's event, "Advancing Equity and Inclusive Practice." A premier event known for combining thought-provoking keynotes with challenging educational sessions, the program connects those who are passionate about justice, equity, access, and inclusion in higher education. Sharing her personal story as a member of the AAPI community, Chang empowers listeners to celebrate their authentic selves and helps campuses create more inclusive cultures that are in touch with their students and communities.
Consider Bringing Juju to Your Campus for these Upcoming Events!
When Chang started out as a young journalist, she would dress in masculine clothing to “look as tough as the guys” and shy away from reporting on the AAPI community for fear of being pigeon-holed. Today, she embraces her identities as a woman, mother of three sons, wife, volunteer, Jew by Choice and Asian American, and empowers women to blend their talents with their passions and celebrate their authentic selves.
The AAPI identity includes over 50 ethnic or language groups, but there’s one thing they have in common: A feeling of “otherism” that includes being asked “but, where are you really from?” even if their family has been in the U.S. for generations. This “otherism” was weaponized during the pandemic, with anti-Asian hate crimes rising 169% in 15 American cities during the first three months of 2021 alone. Bring Chang to your campus to lead a thought-provoking conversation that increases understanding and amplifies allyship.