Celebrating Women’s Equality Day and These Trailblazing Female Voices
23 Aug 2022

August 26 of each year marks the celebration of Women’s Equality Day. This special day commemorates the passage of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote nationally. Congress made this day official in 1971 as a national day celebrating the importance of the women’s suffrage movement and the work to secure and expand equal rights today. Many of our speakers have played a vital role in the pursuit of a gender-equal world and continue to challenge us to be more alert, informed and become catalysts for change. Check out some of our top inspirational, trailblazing female voices:
Irin Carmon
Co-Author, Notorious RBG & Senior Correspondent, New York Magazine
Shana Knizhnik
Co-Author, Notorious RBG, Attorney & Activist
Debra Lee
Chairman & CEO Emeritus, BET Networks
Admiral Michelle J. Howard (Retired)
First Female U.S. Navy Four-Star Admiral
Deborah Archer
President of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Joanne “CoachP” McCallie
Hall-of-Fame NCAA Basketball Coach, Best-Selling Author & Mental Health Warrior
Katty Kay
Award-Winning Journalist, Anchor & Bestselling Author
Natalie Madeira Cofield
Biden-Harris Presidential Appointee leading the Office of Women’s Business Ownership at the U.S. Small Business Administration
Melissa Murray
Frederick I. and Grace Stokes Professor of Law at NYU School of Law
Juju Chang
Emmy Award-Winning Co-Anchor of ABC’s Nightline