APB's Blake Leeper Cheers on Toddler's First Steps with Prosthetic Leg
23 Jan 2021

Paralympic medalist and APB speaker Blake Leeper was recently at Scott Sabolich Prosthetics in Oklahoma City being fitted for prosthetics when he discovered that a toddler was down the hall, preparing to walk for the first time in his new prosthesis. In a heartwarming video that has now gone viral, Leeper is heard encouraging and supporting the 2-year-old, saying: “I got my legs on now! I am ready! I’m ready for you! You’re doing great! You’re doing awesome! Look…mine look like yours!”
Born without legs from a congenital birth defect, Blake has never been one for excuses. He instead took to running, defied the odds, and went on to become an Olympic/Paralympic Games Medalist and world record holder. Passionate about helping others become more resilient and confident, Blake arms audiences with the strategies and tools to adapt to life-changing situations and emerge even stronger than before.