Book Carl Bernstein for Speaking, Events and Appearances | APB Speakers
30 Jan 2020

A Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter who garnered national attention for his role in uncovering the Watergate scandal, APB speaker Carl Bernstein has revealed the inner workings of government and politics for decades. Renowned worldwide for his unique commentary, reporting, and analysis for CNN, Bernstein recently caused a viral sensation when he called Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell “Midnight Mitch.”
Bernstein appeared on Anderson Cooper 360 to discuss the Trump impeachment trial. When asked about his thoughts on the trial rules, Bernstein reacted by saying, "We're looking at 'Midnight Mitch' and the so-called world's greatest deliberative body, really embracing a cover-up that is there for all to see. That's what this is about.” The “Midnight Mitch” nickname caught fire on Twitter, with Rep. Maxine Waters and Sen. Richard Blumenthal even using the hashtag.
+Read the Huffington Post Article
Bringing an invaluable historical perspective to the news and issues of the day, Bernstein tackles subjects ranging from the role of journalism in the age of social media and political dysfunction to his own extensive study of the American healthcare system and its future. Informative and engaging, he treats audiences to an unforgettable encounter with one of the true heroes of modern journalism.
+Learn More About Carl Bernstein