Book David Epstein for Speaking, Events and Appearances | APB Speakers
26 Feb 2020

Porchlight Books just released a list of their 15 best-selling business books of 2019 and Range, by APB speaker David Epstein is #4, ahead of Marc Benioff, Brené Brown, Chip Conley and others! Range has been an accolade magnet ever since its buzzed-about release, when it shot to #1 on The New York Times Bestseller List. Since then, it has been named one of Amazon’s Best Business and Leadership Books of 2019, Apple’s Best Audiobooks of 2019, Inc.’s Must-Read Books for Entrepreneurs in 2019, Bookpal’s Outstanding Works of Literature 2019 Longlist and Porchlight’s Business Book Awards Longlist. This latest honor from Porchlight is derived from the immense and far-ranging readership that Range has found this year, being a book that challenges conventional wisdom and makes readers think and rethink their assumptions about everything from business to parenting.
+View Porchlight's Best-Selling Business Books
APB speaker David Epstein is the consummate high-performance expert, analyzing and reporting on the science of high performance for many years, including in his first best-selling book The Sports Gene. Epstein is known for the intensity and thoroughness of his investigative prowess, having been an investigative journalist for outlets ranging from The New York Times to National Geographic to Sports Illustrated. The success of Range is a testament to the power of Epstein’s signature combination of data-driven, fact-based science with a fresh, new, insightful perspective—a combination that leaves audiences saying, as Malcolm Gladwell put it, “David Epstein manages to make me thoroughly enjoy the experience of being told that everything I thought about something was wrong.”