Book Tim Urban for Speaking, Events and Appearances | APB Speakers
19 Feb 2020

The creator of the wildly popular blog Wait But Why and one of the most watched TED speakers ever, APB speaker Tim Urban recently joined Ezra Klein on his podcast to discuss how our current technological advancements and political situation will impact our future.
When asked about humanity today and to analyze the big picture of human history, Urban said, “…if you divide the 100,000 years of human history to a 500-page book (with each page being 200 years), on the first 499 pages we had 1 billion people or fewer. Then, on the 500th page, we’ve crossed the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7-billion-person threshold.” Through metaphor, Urban explains that we, as human beings, have advanced at a rapid speed and need to be prepared for a variety of outcomes, whether good or bad.
+Read the Article & Listen to the Podcast on
Known for delighting audiences with smart, fascinating and truly original content, Urban synthesizes complex concepts and presents them in a humorous, highly entertaining and memorable way. Whatever the topic, he makes getting there more than half the fun.