Black Girl Magic During Election 2020: APB’s Melissa Harris-Perry Interviews Stacy Abrams for "Elle"
21 Apr 2020

Is America ready for their first female vice president? Political commentator and APB speaker Melissa Harris-Perry interviewed Stacey Abrams for on voting rights, COVID-19, and possibly being the running mate to Joe Biden.
In the interview, Harris-Perry says she sees something in Abrams that most running mates don’t have: Black Girl Magic. Harris-Perry said that Abrams has a Sankofa sensibility, which is a West African assertion that the future must be rooted in a critical examination of the past. Harris-Perry said, “As I listen to Abrams eloquently chart a path for fairness, equity, and democracy, even in the shadow of a terrifying and unprecedented public health crisis, it is easy to see her as invincible—superhuman, even.”
For almost two decades, Melissa Harris-Perry has contributed to American public life through her distinct scholarly analysis of race, gender, politics and power. Committed to diversifying and mentoring emerging public voices, Harris-Perry has created and implemented innovative scholar programs with to share the stories of girls of color and BLACK ON CAMPUS, a national student journalism program in partnership with The Nation.
+Learn More About Melissa Harris-Perry