Book Ken Jennings for Speaking, Events and Appearances | APB Speakers
12 Sep 2019

The Jeopardy! record holder for most correct responses on average and longest winning streak, APB speaker Ken Jennings, is launching Half-Truth, a trivia game that transcends rote recall and makes trivia accessible to everyone.
Jennings has teamed up with Magic: The Gathering creator Richard Garfield to make a trivia game that is fun and that will "make you feel smart when you play," no matter who you are. As Jennings puts it, “it shouldn’t just be middle-aged dads trading baseball statistics.” The partnership re-conceptualized what a trivia game can look like, designing theirs so every player answers every question in a multiple choice format, where three out of six answers are correct.
Jennings, who famously played against IBM’s Watson supercomputer, is known as a trivia master and one of the most successful game show contestants of all time. The “Michael Jordan of trivia,” he is now a best-selling author and a speaker on matters of education and artificial intelligence at college and corporate events across the country.