Book John Quiñones for Speaking, Events and Appearances | APB Speakers
12 Sep 2019

Veteran journalist and APB speaker John Quiñones of ABC’s What Would You Do? recently received John F. Hogan Award from the RTDNA (Radio Television Digital News Association) for his continuous contributions to the profession of journalism. During his 36-year tenure at ABC working as a reporter, news anchor and television personality, Quiñones always found ways of “adding context and clarity” for viewers, RTDNA chairman Jerry Walsh said.
Combining a moving life story, an exceptional career, incomparable insights, and a powerful presence, John Quiñones has emerged as one of the most popular inspirational speakers in the world today. Known for truly connecting with audiences and leaving them uplifted and inspired, he delivers an important message of believing in one’s self, never giving up, and always, always doing the right thing.
+Learn More About John Quiñones