Bring Boston Marathon Survivor Heather Abbott to Your Event | Contact APB Speakers
22 May 2019

APB speaker Heather Abbott, a survivor of the Boston Marathon Bombing and amputee, was featured on CNN as part of their Champions for Change series. A voice for others who have suffered limb loss through traumatic circumstances, Abbott discussed resiliency in the face of trauma and the role that prosthetics played in her recovery.
Abbott advocates for the importance of health insurance covering the expensive life-like prosthetics that were a crucial part of her journey. "She is a true champion, someone who defied the odds. Someone who has fought persistently for everything that she needed and is now a champion for others," said Poppy Harlow, CNN.
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A model of hope and strength for other amputees, Abbott founded the Heather Abbott Foundation, a non-profit organization to help others who have lost their limbs. The Foundation has raised nearly one million dollars and assisted 25 families with getting life-like prosthetics. Whether discussing her journey to overcome adversity or advocating for fellow amputees, Heather Abbott continues to touch people nationwide with her powerful story.