Steven Squyres Featured in "National Geographic" Discussing the Legacy of the Mars Rover
07 Mar 2019

APB speaker and NASA scientific investigator Steven Squyres was featured in a National Geographic article on the Mars Rover and its groundbreaking mission. “I always felt that there were really two honorable ways for a mission like this to end. One is simply that we wear the vehicles out. The other is Mars just finally reaches out and kills them. To have the Opportunity go for 14-and-a-half years and then get taken out by one of the most ferocious Mars dust storms in decades—if that's the way it plays out, we can walk away with our heads held high," said Squyres.
Having made history as the leader of NASA's pioneering robotic drive across Mars, Steven Squyres has received many scientific awards for his achievements in the field and chaired the most recent planetary decadal survey for the National Research Council. In his keynotes, he shares fascinating photos and insights into the development of the history-making Mars Rover Project.