Tim Urban Featured in Netflix Documentary, "Behind the Curve" | Contact APB
07 Mar 2019

APB speaker and creator of the popular blog Wait But Why, Tim Urban, was featured in the Netflix documentary Behind the Curve. Exploring the rising movement of those who believe the earth is flat, the documentary has already received widespread critical acclaim.
Sharing his thoughts on the loudest voices in America’s flat-Earth movement, a group that appears to be growing despite hundreds of years of scientific evidence disproving the idea, Urban draws from his natural, known ability to synthesize complex concepts and present them in a clear, digestible, entertaining and highly memorable way.
+Learn More About Behind the Curve
From the most-watched TED talk of 2016 to HubSpot’s Inbound16 conference, Tim Urban is redefining the live speaking experience for the digital era. Truly a captivating speaker who thrives in front of audiences, Urban continues to capture attention with new and fascinating content.