New ‘Crowdwise’ Column Crowdsources Solutions to Life’s Challenges
15 Feb 2019

After a five-year stint at Yahoo Finance, longtime (2000-2013) New York Times tech columnist and APB speaker David Pogue is back home at the Times. His new column, “Crowdwise,” which appears in the paper’s “Smarter Living” section, asks readers for their wisdom in tackling life’s eternal problems—for example, how to recover from a bad “Reply All,” what to say to someone in mourning that won’t just make it worse, and how to travel on planes or trains with cranky toddlers. Pogue has also resumed contributing his trademark, witty how-to tech pieces to the Times.
“Crowdwise” is one of many recent achievements for David, a four-time Emmy winner for his stories on CBS Sunday Morning and a host of 17 science specials on NOVA on PBS. In his tenth annual appearance as “Techno Claus” on CBS Sunday Morning, he delivered tech holiday gift suggestions for gadget lovers—in flawless rhyme and meter. He’s also continuing his role as one of the world’s best-selling “how-to” authors; his latest books are macOs Mojave: The Missing Manual and the 12th edition of iPhone: The Missing Manual.