Book Nora McInerny for Speaking, Events and Appearances | APB Speakers
24 Apr 2019

A reluctant grief expert and “notable widow” (her words), APB speaker Nora McInerny miscarried her second baby, lost her father to cancer and lost her husband, Aaron, to a brain tumor all within six weeks in 2014. In a recent TED Talk entitled “We Don’t 'Move On’ from Grief. We Move Forward with It,” she blends candor and humor as she shares valuable lessons she has learned about life and death.
Powerfully encouraging us to shift how we approach grief, McInerny says: “A grieving person is going to laugh again and smile again. They're going to move forward. But that doesn't mean that they've moved on.”
A prolific creator, McInerny wrote the critically-acclaimed memoir It’s Okay to Laugh (Crying is Cool Too) and hosts the award-winning podcast Terrible, Thanks for Asking. Leading a new cultural conversation on emotional honesty and empathy, she relates to her audiences through the authenticity of her words, hoping to help others find resiliency and joy after loss.