David Hogg, Parkland Survivor and Gun Violence Prevention Speaker | Contact APB
02 Apr 2019

APB speaker David Hogg, co-founder of March For Our Lives, was recently named “Communicator of the Year” at the 2019 PRWeek Awards. One of the most compelling voices of his generation. His call to “get over politics and get something done” challenges Americans to stand up, speak out and work to elect morally just leaders, regardless of party affiliation. He was awarded the communicator of the year for his impact on civic engagement.
A survivor of the largest school shooting in American school history at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida, Hogg turned his anger into action by co-founding the March For Our Lives Movement against gun violence. His grassroots activism and social media mastery have mobilized millions of young people to find their voice, speak out and engage in change. As one of our most sought-after speakers on gun violence prevention, activism and social justice, he informs, challenges and empowers his generation to become catalysts for positive change.
“People call us snowflakes,” he once tweeted. “What happens when snowflakes vote? That’s called an avalanche.”