The Mindfulness of Wellness During the Holidays from APB's Samantha Harris
20 Nov 2018

The holidays, especially Thanksgiving, are a time to reflect on the past year and be thankful for all that has happened—the good and the bad. APB speaker Samantha Harris is a champion at making the best of any situation. After being diagnosed with breast cancer, she still managed to find the positives in each day. Dubbed the "unstoppable optimist," she empowers audiences to take control of their health and live their best lives possible.
According to Samantha and her new book Your Healthiest Healthy, being positive and thankful for the small things can have a big impact on your brain and outlook on life. She documents the four steps she took to remain positive throughout her battle with cancer:
- Stay present
- Focus only on what you can control
- Remind yourself of the good things happening in your life
- Question the reasons behind what’s worrying you
During this season filled with gratitude, Samantha encourages audiences to find a little more time to breathe. She shares her techniques for self-care to build resiliency and choose a positive path, leaving everyone with implementable tips and valuable takeaways.