Soraya Darabi on Why Wellness is the Key to Success in Business
22 Jan 2018

When she founded Trail Mix Ventures, APB speaker Soraya Darabi had a vision: to invest in design-driven companies that are shaping the future of work, health, wellness and living well. Says Darabi: "For too long many of us have prioritized doing well over being well."
She expands on this notion in a recent article she penned for, “Why is Wellness the Key to Becoming a More Successful Business Person?” In the widely-shared piece, she dissects the challenges millions face each day. Do we sacrifice our lives for our money, job and career or do we put our health and wellbeing first?
Celebrated by Fast Company as one of the “most creative people in business,” Soraya Darabi is a serial entrepreneur and angel investor with a recognized eye for spotting rising stars, breakout business models and tomorrow’s hottest trends in digital consumerism and consumer behavior.