CNN Special Report Features APB's Angel Colon & His Message of Hope in the Year After the Pulse Nightclub Tragedy
30 Jun 2017

A year after the tragic Pulse Nightclub shootings, APB speaker and survivor Angel Colon shared his story of hope with Anderson Cooper on CNN’s special report “The Pulse of Orlando: Terror at the Nightclub.” Colon, along with parents that were touched by the tragedy, first responders and police officers, retell the story of that night and how, in a year, they turned their pain into inspiring action.
After sustaining leg injuries and a shattered femur during the shooting, Colon emerged from the tragedy as a beacon of hope. Urging others to fight hate with love, he is an ardent advocate to end gun violence and a leading voice working to protect the values the LGBT community.
Today, Angel Colon is widely sought-after speaker due to his unwavering message of hope and forgiveness. His talks celebrate the first responders, the lives that were lost, and the love he received from his community in the face of a hateful act to inspire audiences to challenge prejudices in their own communities.