APB's Nicholas Kristof Interviews Hillary Clinton at 2017 Women in the World Summit
07 Apr 2017

New York Times’ columnist and APB speaker Nicholas Kristof conducted the first extensive interview with Hillary Clinton since the election in November. On April 6th in New York City, Kristof asked Clinton thought-provoking and honest questions regarding the election, the current White House administration, her future, and women’s issues at home and abroad.
In light of our current political state, Kristof, a vocal advocate for equality, asked Clinton a question that took her by surprise: “Will you ever run for office again?” Clinton responded that she plans on making a difference and continuing to fight for what’s right in ways that likely don’t include running for office.
APB speaker Tina Brown’s 8th Annual Women in the World Summit featured world- renowned female leaders from all around the globe celebrating strong women and men of alliance. Kristof and Clinton were among the incredible leaders at the summit, as was actress, activist and APB speaker Maria Bello. Bello spoke on a panel about “The Sun Ladies,” a group of Yazidi women fighting back against ISIS. She highlighted the inspiring actions of Yazidi women taking ownership of their own bodies and rising above atrocity to combat the terrorist group. Bello and Clinton did not shy away from the reality of how strong women are treated in the public eye. The interviews left audiences, both in the room and online, enlightened and inspired.
Following the interview, Kristof shared some of his personal insights into Clinton’s stance in his New York Times Op-Ed: “In the most wrenching, humiliating way possible, Hillary Clinton has been liberated. She is now out of the woods again, and speaking her mind.” Kristof takes this newfound freedom as an opportunity for Clinton to openly fight for women and children’s rights.