Tony Hoffman
Former BMX Pro, U.S. Olympic Coach & Recovering Addict
Tony Hoffman
Former BMX Pro, U.S. Olympic Coach & Recovering Addict
On December 13th, 2008, Tony Hoffman was paroled by the California Department of Corrections after serving a two-year sentence for a drug-related robbery. While incarcerated, Tony set four goals: Race BMX professionally, go to the Olympics, start a non-profit called the Freewheel Project, and become a professional mental health and substance abuse speaker.
During his senior year at Clovis High School he was featured on the cover of BMXer Magazine, and was sponsored by Fox Racing, Spy Sunglasses and Airwalk Shoes. On the surface, Tony's path seemed destined for stardom. However, in reality, Tony experienced crippling anxiety, depression and suicidal ideations. Tony's substance use began during his senior year, leading to the deterioration of his mental health and opioid addiction soon followed. Due to his misuse of Oxycontin, & other drugs a life of addiction, crime, homelessness and incarceration became his reality.
After paroling prison, Tony Hoffman started living out his dream, with his addiction behind him. Tony is a Former BMX Elite Pro and placed 2nd at the 2016 World Championships in Medellin Colombia in the Masters Pro class. Tony coached Women’s Elite Pro, Brooke Crain, to a 4th place finish at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Brazil.
Tony has presented on the prestigious TEDx stage and his viral Goalcast video ‘From Prison to the Olympics’ has been viewed more than 12 million times. He is a founder of pH Wellness, a drug and alcohol addiction treatment facility located in Southern California which uses his ‘F.I.T For Life’ sobriety model utilizing fitness and a world class career placement center to increase long term recovery outcomes.
The Freewheel Project was very successful for many years helping thousands of youth through action sports before moving on to pursuing a very demanding national speaking career. Today Tony is an author and one of the world's most requested mental health and substance use speakers.
Speaker Videos
TEDx: The Stigma of Addiction
From Prison To The Olympics | Tony Hoffman Speech | Goalcast
Healthcare Promo
Student Testimony
Sports Teams
Corporate Promo
Speech Topics
The Choice (Tony Hoffman Story)
In this speech, Tony reflects strongly on a specific “choice” that changed his life forever. Often times, individuals may think that small, and insignificant choices have no impact on their lives. Tony walks audiences through a candid set of choices, attitudes, and thought processes that lead him to his first drug. He tells his audience about how dangerous the use of drugs really is. He recalls picking up marijuana for the first time, the small choice he made that opened up the door for prescription painkiller and heroin abuse. It was that choice, the small, and at that time insignificant decision that changed his life forever. As Tony reaches the climax of his life experiences, audiences learn how that choice ultimately left him hopeless, homeless, and in a state of despair, while he suffered with substance-abuse addiction. With all the twist and turns in Tony’s life, he is able to leave his audience with a new sense of hope and empowerment. Tony speaks of overcoming, and how his new way of thinking and choice-making allowed him to become a professional athlete, Olympic coach at the Rio Olympic Games, and a successful business owner who is dedicated to bettering his community. This speech is great for substance-abuse talks and can be tailored for many different discussions.
Breaking The Stigma (Recovery Advocacy & Addiction Awareness)
In this keynote, Tony advocates strongly that communities must shift their thinking on addiction. He focuses on how we can all work together to improve addiction rates across the country. From his own personal experience as a successful young athlete, to losing everything from substance abuse, Tony describes the darkest moments of his life that was lead by addiction, and how surviving the storms inspired him to take action through his recovery. Tony details his recovery process, and highlights where it all started - in a prison cell. He also shares how his non-profit organization, and organization that utilizes action sports, is a staple in his sobriety. Audiences are left inspired as Tony maps out his life experiences with substance abuse, and individuals of all ages can see how his recovery took him from homeless in 2006, to the 2016 Olympic games. This keynote is ideal for community organizations, governments, and treatment facilities.