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Mikki  Taylor

Mikki Taylor

Editor-at-Large, Essence Magazine

Mikki Taylor

Editor-at-Large, Essence Magazine


Mikki Tay­lor is the quin­tes­sen­tial author­ity on all mat­ters regard­ing beauty and style. From A-list celebri­ties and world-renowned cover mod­els to women in the know, Taylor influ­ences all types of women with her vision of beauty and style. She has devoted a life­time to help­ing women man­age their inner and outer beauty and inspir­ing them to own their lives to the fullest.

For 30 years, Tay­lor served as Essence magazine’s ground­break­ing Beauty & Cover Direc­tor, and is now Editor-at-Large for the pub­li­ca­tion. In addi­tion, she is the Founder and Pres­i­dent of Mikki Tay­lor Enter­prises, LLC, which serves as a hold­ing com­pany for a num­ber of ver­ti­cal busi­nesses, including Satin Doll Pro­duc­tions, a full-service image build­ing and con­sult­ing divi­sion, and MT Communi­ca­tions, a strate­gic com­mu­ni­ca­tions and brand­ing company.

Tay­lor has offered beauty and style advice through all types of media, includ­ing broad­cast, digital, and print out­lets, which cul­mi­nated in her wildly suc­cess­ful book, Self-Seduction: Your Ulti­mate Path to Inner and Outer Beauty (Bal­lan­tine Books/One World). This tri­umph left read­ers crav­ing more, there­fore the sequel, Commander in Chic: Every Woman’s Guide to Man­ag­ing Her Style Like a First Lady (Atria Books/Simon & Schus­ter), hit shelves in November 2011.

Tay­lor has joined forces with AMBI Skin­care, a divi­sion of John­son & John­son Con­sumer Products Com­pany, as the brand’s newly-appointed national spokesper­son in an effort ded­i­cated to empower, inspire, and cel­e­brate women of color. AMBI Skincare’s 45-year her­itage as the trusted brand for even-toned, beau­ti­ful skin per­fectly com­ple­ments Taylor’s 30-year career as a renowned beauty expert. This alliance will pro­vide women with the tools and resources nec­es­sary to feel beau­ti­ful inside and out.

Tay­lor has been fea­tured on many tele­vi­sion out­lets, includ­ing: The Oprah Win­frey Show, The View, The Today Show, Week­end Today, The Early Show, NBC Nightly News, EXTRA, Inside Edi­tion, E! Enter­tain­ment Tele­vi­sion, CNN, TV Guide Chan­nel, VH1, Style Net­work, Life & Style, WETV, CBS 2 Morn­ing News, The Insider, the Style Net­work, Pure Oxy­gen,  BET, Mo’Nique’s Fat Chance, and TV One. View­ers also received a weekly dose of Taylor’s pos­i­tive influ­ence on VH1’s highest rated debut series Fla­vor of Love Girls: Charm School, which pre­miered to more than five mil­lion view­ers. Each week, Tay­lor served as the voice of rea­son and com­pas­sion as she imparted to the women hon­est, valu­able infor­ma­tion, insight and tips to help the con­tes­tants—and the women who watched the show—live a bet­ter, more pro­duc­tive, pride-filled life. She also served as the host of the TV One series Makeover Manor.

One of Taylor’s most trea­sured expe­ri­ences was a trip to South Africa, at the spe­cial invi­ta­tion of Oprah Win­frey, where she served as an instruc­tor to 149 girls ages 12–14 at the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Acad­emy for Girls as part of its Arts Work­shop 2007. Tay­lor taught a course called Cel­e­brat­ing Your Unique Beauty & Style, a three-part work­shop that addressed prac­ti­cal and timeless ele­ments of social graces and the essen­tial basics of inner and outer beauty, and Your Best Shot, a ses­sion which taught the skills to ensure a phe­nom­e­nal photograph.

In 2007, the Black Retail Action Group (BRAG) hon­ored Tay­lor at its 37th annual schol­ar­ship and awards din­ner, acknowl­edg­ing those who have pen­e­trated and embraced the world of beauty in a signif­i­cant way both in front and behind the scenes. She is also a four-time recip­i­ent of the CEBA Award, a for­mer indus­try award acknowl­edg­ing excel­lence in African American media, as well as the win­ner of the Asso­ci­ated Black Char­i­ties Image Mak­ers Award.

Another prized accom­plish­ment of Taylor’s was orga­niz­ing an annual beauty event where proceeds from the sale of prod­ucts ben­e­fited home­less and under­priv­i­leged women through the Cos­metic Exec­u­tive Women’s (CEW) Women in Need, a non­profit orga­ni­za­tion that ser­vices shel­ters in and around New York City. Tay­lor is also a mem­ber of the President’s Coun­cil of Fash­ion Group Inter­na­tional, Inc., where she pre­vi­ously served as a mem­ber of its board of directors.

The inter­na­tion­ally rec­og­nized style and beauty expert is author of a new book, appro­pri­ately titled Commander in Chic: Every Woman’s Guide to Man­ag­ing Her Style Like a First Lady (Atria Books Hard­cover Orig­i­nal; on-sale Novem­ber 29, 2011; ISBN: 9781439196724; $26.99 US). A must-have lifestyle guide, it is filled with valu­able infor­ma­tion, prized in-the-know tips, and afford­able go-to resources that serve as today’s work­ing woman’s style hand­book.

Speaker Videos

Celebrating 30 Years as a Champion for Beauty

Speech Topics

How to Be a Commander in Chic

Based on her newest book, Commander in Chic: Every Woman’s Guide to Managing Her Style Like a First Lady, Taylor shares what you need to know to own your life, master your style, and celebrate your beauty. In this time of purpose, we all want to master the simple and ensure that we are living out the lives that keep us affirmed, fulfilled, and fabulous! This presentation helps women to:

  • Know their value
  • Establish signature style
  • Be frugal and look fabulous
  • Micromanage their inner and outer beauty
  • Prioritize and create time for self
  • Build spiritual muscle
  • Be their own “commander in chic”

Unleash the Power in You!

In this motivating presentation, keynote speaker Mikki Taylor inspires women to rethink, re-imagine, and reinvent the lives they possess, offering critical insights on how to turn their dreams into an ever-more fulfilling reality. You will learn how to:

  • Be the bold, empowered woman you are called to be
  • Master challenges instead of allowing them to master you
  • Successfully establish and promote “brand you”
  • Establish a self-nurturing regimen that builds upon a stronger you
  • Dream on-purpose
  • Make the most informed choices for your life

The Power of the Black Consumer

As a media veteran for more than three decades at Essence Magazine, the nation’s premier source of beauty intelligence for African American women, Mikki Taylor has been responsible for reflecting the culture’s definition of beauty as well as shaping it.  She has served the needs of over eight million readers firsthand on a monthly basis, helping them to put away their “wishlists” and live out a reality they desire to know.

She continues to be their most-trusted authority as they seek to micromanage every aspect of their style with an informed intent. As a result, she is a go-to authority for companies everywhere who seek to serve this consumer with an informed intent.

The Power of the Black Consumer is a presentation that shares insights on this next level—how she thinks, what informs her purchases, why she is recession-proof, and the language and marketing that gets her attention. 

Style 101: A Checklist to Phenomenal Style

Looking to create your checklist to phenomenal style? This info-training presentation from Essence editor-at-large Mikki Taylor will show you how with a well edited look at the top trends and how to take them from “runway to real-way” in bankable style. 

The Sharper Image: Taylor’s Top 10 Tips for Polishing Your Image

From breaking through the glass ceiling in style to becoming an “it girl,” here’s what you need to know to become a standout! This presentation from style speaker Mikki Taylor covers inner and outer beauty, social etiquette, and more.